
Become a member of your lake assocation

Membership is open to any individual, family, business, or organization that subscribes to the purpose of the Association. More than one adult (>18 years of age) of a household may join. Each paid member in good standing is entitled to one vote on Association matters. Families or businesses joining together should designate a representative to vote on their behalf. Voting members should sign the membership form below. Signatures will be required on ballots for elections conducted by mail. 

Membership Dues for each year must be paid by the annual meeting which is normally held on the 3rd Saturday of July. Dues are $20 per member and should be made payable to Hancock Lake Association, Inc.

Mail the payment with membership form to: 

Hancock Lake Association, Inc.
8412 Dombrowski Rd
Harshaw, WI 54529

Or make payment using Venmo:

Hancock lake @ sherry - fechter

We encourage you as well as your family and friends to join!!

Click on the following PDF file to open and print the form with Acrobat Reader or another PDF viewer: